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Publications - 2019
Journal - 2019 - Ecological footprint of biomaterials for implant dentistry: is the metal-free practice an eco-friendly shift?
Journal - 2019 - An experimental study on the corrosion susceptibility of Recycled Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete
Journal - 2019 - Enhancement of stiffness and load bearing capacity of damaged mortar beams with CFRP patches
Journal - 2019 - Positive, zero and negative Poisson’s ratio non-stochastic metallic cellular solids: Dependence between static and dynamic mechanical properties
Journal - 2019 - Photovoltaics, plasmonics, plastic antibodies and electrochromism combined for a novel generation of self-powered and self-signalled electrochemical biomimetic sensors
Journal - 2019 - Towards an on-chip optical microsystem for spectroscopic detection of gastrointestinal dysplasia
Journal - 2019 - Enhanced performance of fluorinated separator membranes for lithium ion batteries through surface micropatterning
Journal - 2019 - Negative thermoelectric power of melt mixed vapor grown carbon nanofiber polypropylene composites
Journal - 2019 - High-Performance μ-Thermoelectric Device Based on Bi2Te3/Sb2Te3 p-n Junctions
Journal - 2019 - Distributed optical fiber sensors for PCB-strain analysis
Journal - 2019 - Nano-scale modification of titanium implant surfaces to enhance osseointegration
Journal - 2019 - A low-cost lab-on-a-chip device for marine pH quantification by colorimetry
Journal - 2019 - Low velocity impact response of fabric reinforced hybrid composites with stratified filled epoxy matrix
Journal - 2019 - Adaptive Feature Recombination and Recalibration for Semantic Segmentation with Fully Convolutional Networks
Journal - 2019 - Production and characterization of zirconia structures with a porous surface
Journal - 2019 - Laser surface texturing of Ti-6Al-4V by nanosecond laser: Surface characterization, Ti-oxide layer analysis and its electrical insulation performance
Journal - 2019 - Zirconia surface modifications for implant dentistry
Journal - 2019 - Development of β-TCP-Ti6Al4V structures: Driving cellular response by modulating physical and chemical properties
Journal - 2019 - Experimental and numerical analyses of wood boards joining using wood-pin connectors
Journal - 2019 - Effect of temperature on the fracture toughness of wood under mode I quasi-static loading
Journal - 2019 - Influence of service temperature on shear creep behaviour of a rigid low-density closed-cell PIR foam
Journal - 2019 - Fatigue-fracture characterization of wood under mode I loading
Journal - 2019 - Tuning electrical and thermoelectric properties of freestanding graphene oxide papers by carbon nanotubes and heat treatment
Journal - 2019 - Influence of arterial mechanical properties on carotid blood flow: Comparison of CFD and FSI studies
Journal - 2019 - Photodynamic Therapy at Low-Light Fluence Rate: In vitro Assays on Colon Cancer Cells
Journal - 2019 - Ultrasonic grain refinement of die cast copper alloys
Journal - 2019 - Corrosion and tribocorrosion behaviour of Ti6Al4V produced by selective laser melting and hot pressing in comparison with the commercial alloy
Journal - 2019 - Enhanced thermoelectric properties of Sb2Te3 and Bi2Te3 films for flexible thermal sensors
Journal - 2019 - Additive manufacturing of Ti–6Al–4V parts through laser metal deposition (LMD): Process, microstructure, and mechanical properties
Journal - 2019 - Evaluation of in vitro properties of 3D micro-macro porous zirconia scaffolds coated with 58S bioactive glass using MG-63 osteoblast-like cells
Journal - 2019 - Inverse engineering approach to determine the elastic properties of lightweight expanded clay
Journal - 2019 - Implant surface design for improved implant stability – A study on Ti6Al4V dense and cellular structures produced by Selective Laser Melting
Journal - 2019 - Ti6Al4V-PEEK multi-material structures – design, fabrication and tribological characterization focused on orthopedic implants
Journal - 2019 - Production and tribological characterization of a textured diamond-reinforced copper-beryllium alloy
Journal - 2019 - On the generation of enhanced lookup tables for wheel-rail contact models
Journal - 2019 - A study on the production of thin-walled Ti6Al4V parts by selective laser melting
Journal - 2019 - Mechanical properties of zirconia periodic open cellular structures
Journal - 2019 - Influence of sintering pressure on the microstructure and tribological properties of low temperature fast sintered hot-pressed Y-TZP
Journal - 2019 - Acknowledgment and Appreciation to our Reviewers
Journal - 2019 - Clinical performance of a new software to automatically detect Angioectasias in Small Bowel Capsule Endoscopy
Journal - 2019 - Joining of TiAl alloy using novel Ag-Cu sputtered coated Ti brazing filler
Journal - 2019 - On the sulphonated PEEK for implant dentistry: Biological and physicochemical assessment
Journal - 2019 - The journal of Mechanism and Machine Theory: Celebrating 55 years since its foundation
Journal - 2019 - Physicochemical and in-vitro biological analysis of bio-functionalized titanium samples in a protein-rich medium
Journal - 2019 - Corrosion and tribocorrosion behaviour of titanium nitride thin films grown on titanium under different deposition times
Journal - 2019 - Catalytic cyclization of propargyl bromoethers via electrogenerated nickel (I) tetramethylcyclam in ionic liquids: Water effects
Journal - 2019 - Highly sensitive thermoelectric touch sensor based on p-type SnO x thin film
Journal - 2019 - Laser machining of WC-Co green compacts for cutting tools manufacturing
Journal - 2019 - Multi-material Ti6Al4V & PEEK cellular structures produced by Selective Laser Melting and Hot Pressing: A tribocorrosion study targeting orthopedic applications
Journal - 2019 - Damping and mechanical behavior of metal-ceramic composites applied to novel dental restorative systems
Journal - 2019 - Development of novel zirconia implant’s materials gradated design with improved bioactive surface
Journal - 2019 - Tribological behavior of bioactive multi-material structures targeting orthopedic applications
Journal - 2019 - Exposure effects of endotoxin-free titanium-based wear particles to human osteoblasts
Journal - 2019 - Y-TZP/porcelain graded dental restorations design for improved damping behavior – A study on damping capacity and dynamic Young’s modulus
Journal - 2019 - Novel design of low modulus high strength zirconia scaffolds for biomedical applications
Journal - 2019 - Novel laser surface texturing for improved primary stability of titanium implants
Journal - 2019 - Predicting the output dimensions, porosity and elastic modulus of additive manufactured biomaterial structures targeting orthopedic implants
Journal - 2019 - Interface geometries in 3D multi-material prints by fused filament fabrication
Journal - 2019 - A study on extruded filament bonding in fused filament fabrication
Journal - 2019 - Injectable platelet rich fibrin: cell content, morphological, and protein characterization
Journal - 2019 - Vehicle electrification: New challenges and opportunities for smart grids
Journal - 2019 - IoT and blockchain paradigms for EV charging system
Journal - 2019 - A comparative study between knocked-down aligned carbon nanotubes and Buckypaper-based strain sensors
Journal - 2019 - Aligned carbon nanotube based sensors for strain sensing applications
Journal - 2019 - Wideband and wide beam polyvinylidene difluoride (PVDF) acoustic transducer for broadband underwater communications
Journal - 2019 - Development of a cost-effective optical sensor for continuous monitoring of turbidity and suspended particulate matter in marine environment
Journal - 2019 - PDMS microlenses for focusing light in narrow band imaging diagnostics
Journal - 2019 - Surface design using laser technology for Ti6Al4V-hydroxyapatite implants
Journal - 2019 - Electrical potential approaches to inhibit biofilm adhesion on titanium implants
Journal - 2019 - High heterogeneity in in vivo instrumented-assisted patellofemoral joint stress testing: a systematic review
Journal - 2019 - Development of a Strategy to Predict and Detect Falls Using Wearable Sensors
Journal - 2019 - Surface damage of dental implant systems and ions release after exposure to fluoride and hydrogen peroxide
Journal - 2019 - Influence of macroporosity on NIH/3T3 adhesion, proliferation, and osteogenic differentiation of MC3T3-E1 over bio-functionalized highly porous titanium implant material
Journal - 2019 - Sliding behavior of zirconia porous implant surfaces against bone
Journal - 2019 - Corrosion behaviour of PEEK or β-TCP-impregnated Ti6Al4V SLM structures targeting biomedical applications
Journal - 2019 - A microfluidic deformability assessment of pathological red blood cells flowing in a hyperbolic converging microchannel
Journal - 2019 - Editorial for the special issue on Micro/Nano devices for blood analysis
Journal - 2019 - Numerical study on the formability of metallic bipolar plates for proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cells
Journal - 2019 - Modelling and simulation of alternative designs for the femur–implant interface of Journey patellofemoral prosthesis
Journal - 2019 - T6 Heat Treatment Impact on the Random Frequency Vibration Stress of Al–Si–Mg Alloys
Journal - 2019 - Development of Ti–Nb and Ti–Nb–Fe beta alloys from TiH 2 powders
Journal - 2019 - Fire-shaped cylindrical glass micronozzles to measure cell deformability
Journal - 2019 - Rheology of F620 solder paste and flux
Journal - 2019 - The role of acoustic pressure during solidification of AlSi7Mg alloy in sand mold casting
Journal - 2019 - Learned and handcrafted features for early-stage laryngeal SCC diagnosis
Journal - 2019 - Wear Behavior of Ti-Al2O3 Biocomposites in 9 g/L NaCl Solution
Journal - 2019 - Ultrasonic Melt Treatment of Light Alloys
Journal - 2019 - Blood cells separation and sorting techniques of passive microfluidic devices: From fabrication to applications
Journal - 2019 - Evaluation of the color and translucency of glass-infiltrated zirconia based on the concept of functionally graded materials
Journal - 2019 - Hard and soft tissue cell behavior on PEEK, Zirconia, and Titanium implant materials
Journal - 2019 - Ultrasonic vibration as a primary mixing tool in accelerating aluminum-copper alloys preparation from their pure elements
Journal - 2019 - Modeling and analysis of friction including rolling effects in multibody dynamics: a review
Journal - 2019 - A finite element model of a 3D dry revolute joint incorporated in a multibody dynamic analysis
Journal - 2019 - Corrosion and Tribocorrosion Behavior of Ti-B4C Composites Joined with TiCuNi Brazing Alloy
Journal - 2019 - Micro-scale abrasion wear of novel biomedical PEEK-matrix composites for restorative dentistry
Journal - 2019 - Shear bond strength of PEEK and PEEK-30GF cemented to zirconia or titanium substrates
Journal - 2019 - Modelling, design and fabrication of a novel reconfigurable ultra-wide-band impedance matching based on RF MEMS technology
Journal - 2019 - Effects of workers’ Body Mass Index and task conditions on exertion psychophysics during Vertical Handling Tasks
Journal - 2019 - Automatic Segmentation and Detection of Small Bowel Angioectasias in WCE Images
Journal - 2019 - Design of a novel TiO2 /airgap-based polarizing micro beam splitter cube
Conference - 2019 - Polymer-based all-printed piezo-magnetically responsive sensors and actuators
Conference - 2019 - Home glucose meters: How accurate should they be to avoid dysglycemia in patients using carbohydrate counting?
Conference - 2019 - Carbohydrate counting: How accurate should it be to achieve glycemic control in patients on intensive insulin regimens?
Conference - 2019 - Magneto active three-dimensional polymer based nanocomposites for bone-tissue engineering
Conference - 2019 - Mechano-electrical skeletal muscle cell stimulation for tissue regeneration
Conference - 2019 - Breast cancer detection based on CPW antenna
Conference - 2019 - Wireless powering and communication in RFCMOS 180 nm for implantable thermal neuromodulators
Conference - 2019 - Tribological behavior of feldspathic porcelain for dental restorations
Conference - 2019 - Atomistic simulations of tribological properties of self-mated single-walled carbon nanotube forests by molecular dynamics
Conference - 2019 - Increasing the Miniaturization Limit of Wireless Implantable Devices Through a Multimode Wireless Power Transfer Approach
Conference - 2019 - A Proposed Single-Phase Five-Level PFC Rectifier for Smart Grid Applications: An Experimental Evaluation
Conference - 2019 - Experimental Validation of a Bidirectional Three-Level dc-dc Converter for On-Board or Off-Board EV Battery Chargers
Conference - 2019 - An adaptive mealtime bolus calculator to minimize the effects of inaccurate carbohydrate counting
Conference - 2019 - Preface of the “4th Symposium on Modelling and Simulation in Computer Sciences and Engineering”
Conference - 2019 - Influence of the characteristics of the 3D FE mesh on the evolution of variables used to characterize the stress state
Conference - 2019 - The role of viscoelasticity in the mechanical modelling of rubbers
Conference - 2019 - Design and validation of a six-antenna WPT system with tracking capabilites for biomedical devices
Conference - 2019 - Shared wireless link co-design for implantable device with far-field wireless power transfer
Conference - 2019 - Small Size and Highly Sensitive Differential MEMS Accelerometer Based on Double-Ended Tuning Fork Resonators
Conference - 2019 - Sub-Micron Mems Accelerometer with Handle-Layer Patterning for Damping Enhancement Using Time Transduction
Conference - 2019 - Cost-Efective Lab-on-a-Chip Device for Seawater pH Quantification by Optical Methods
Conference - 2019 - Low-cost Non-etched Silicon Neural Probe
Conference - 2019 - A survey of fall prevention systems implemented on smart walkers
Conference - 2019 - The potential of visual cues to overcome freezing of gait in Parkinson’s disease
Conference - 2019 - Haemocompatibility test of simple Magnetic Nanoparticles using the distribution of deformed RBCs
Conference - 2019 - Design, modelling and control of an active weight-bearing knee exoskeleton with a series elastic actuator
Conference - 2019 - Human activity recognition systems: State of art
Conference - 2019 - Kinematic and kinetic study of sit-to-stand and stand-to-sit movements towards a human-like skeletal model
Conference - 2019 - Instrument-based ergonomic assessment: A perspective on the current state of art and future trends
Conference - 2019 - Low intensity focused ultrasound modulation of neural circuits activity
Conference - 2019 - Brain tumor modeling and resection limits using millimeter wavelengths
Conference - 2019 - A preliminary strategy for fall prevention in the ASBGo smart walker
Conference - 2019 - Passive walking biped model with dissipative contact and friction forces
Conference - 2019 - Computational Modelling of Human Lower Limb for Reproduction of Walking Dynamics with Muscles: Healthy and Pathological Cases
Conference - 2019 - Study of gait cycle using a five-link inverted pendulum model: First developments
Conference - 2019 - Numerical and experimental investigations on micromixers geometries for high ratio flow rates
Conference - 2019 - Numerical study of blood flow in stented arteries: Comparison of stent designs and viscosity models
Conference - 2019 - WPT system for implantable devices using a phased array and tracking algorithm for freely moving rats
Conference - 2019 - Feedback-error learning for gait rehabilitation using a powered knee orthosis: First advances
Conference - 2019 - PVDF piezoelectric flow sensor for velocity measurements aiming malaria diagnostics: A preliminary approach
Conference - 2019 - An overview of fall-related systems developed in canes
Conference - 2019 - Development of a simulated transtibial amputee model
Conference - 2019 - Environment-Aware Locomotion Mode Transition Prediction System
Conference - 2019 - EMG-based Motion Intention Recognition for Controlling a Powered Knee Orthosis
Conference - 2019 - Influence of the applied load on the creep behaviour of tin-silver-copper solder
Conference - 2019 - Utilization of Non-Conformal Wheel Surfaces for Railway Dynamics
Conference - 2019 - Home Energy Monitoring System Towards Smart Control of Energy Consumption
Conference - 2019 - Approach for conformal contact detection for wheel-rail interaction
Conference - 2019 - Friction properties of polyoxymethylene (POM) materials in dry and lubricated conditions
Conference - 2019 - Piston ring/cylinder liner contact: the tribological assessment
Conference - 2019 - Study Of The Influence Of Pressure And Temperature Processing In The Diamond-reinforced Composite Properties
Conference - 2019 - Workers’ Body Constitution as a Risk Factor During Manual Materials Handling
Conference - 2019 - Segmentation squeeze-and-excitation blocks in stroke lesion outcome prediction
Conference - 2019 - Optimization of an Electromagnetic Generator for Underwater Energy Harvester
Conference - 2019 - A four-probe salinity sensor optimized for long-term autonomous marine deployments
Conference - 2019 - Literature review of functional electrical stimulation systems
Conference - 2019 - Effect of the ultrasonic melt treatment on the deployment outcomes of a magnesium stent manufactured by microcasting: A finite element analysis
Conference - 2019 - Dilated convolutions in retinal blood vessels segmentation
Conference - 2019 - Three-link inverted pendulum for human balance analysis: A preliminary study
Conference - 2019 - Graphene Radio-Frequency Transistors with Self-Aligned Channel and Core-Shell Nanowire Gate
Conference - 2019 - Ensemble learning approaches for retinal vessel segmentation
Conference - 2019 - Optical device for in situ monitoring of suspended particulate matter and organic/inorganic distinguish
Conference - 2019 - Performance evaluation of a PVDF hydrophone for deep sea applications
Conference - 2019 - Influence of thermocycling and colorants in the color of a bis-acryl composite resin—in vitro study
Conference - 2019 - Towards graphene based RF devices
Conference - 2019 - Active microfluidic substrates based on electroactive electrospun PLLA membranes
Conference - 2019 - Assessing the influence of laser parameters on the fabrication of thin-walled Ti6Al4V tubes manufactured by selective laser melting
Conference - 2019 - Bioceramic blocks with graded composition for bone defects
Conference - 2019 - Corrosion and tribocorrosion behavior of anodic treated Ti-Nb and Ti-Nb-Fe alloys for biomedical implant applications
Conference - 2019 - Designing osteogenic-stimulating titanium-based implants
Conference - 2019 - Detection of low-magnetic fields by rubidium (87Rb) vapor cell
Conference - 2019 - Development of innovative zirconia surface designs by laser for an improved implant stability
Conference - 2019 - Smart and multifuntional implants for life
Conference - 2019 - Ti6Al4V-Bioactive Cellular Structures: A Multi-Material Approach to Enhance Cellular Response
Conference - 2019 - Dynamic Modelling and Analysis of Human Lower Limb to Replicate Walking Gait
Conference - 2019 - Electroactive polymer-based substrates for microfluidic applications
Conference - 2019 - Improved implant-host bone interaction by stimulating physiological MSC-osteogenic differentiation
Conference - 2019 - Laser irradiation of zirconia surfaces: effects on microstructure and mechanical performance
Conference - 2019 - NiTi alloy cellular structures by Selective Laser Melting targeting orthopedic implants – Design, fabrication and mechanical characterization
Conference - 2019 - Predicting the influence of processing parameters on the thickness of Ti6Al4V thin-walled plates made by SLM
Conference - 2019 - Predictive tools for the elastic modulus of Ti6Al4V structures produced by Selective Laser Melting targeting orthopedic implants
Conference - 2019 - Selective Laser Melting of Ti6Al4V cellular structures targeting orthopedic implants: a combination of morphological, physical and mechanical properties
Conference - 2019 - Texturing and remelting Mg surfaces using Nd:YAG laser
Conference - 2019 - Ti-NiTi Multi material Parts Fabrication By Laser Machining And Powder Metallurgy
Conference - 2019 - Tribocorrosion behavior of bio-functionalized in-situ Ti-TiB-TiC composites by anodic treatment
Conference - 2019 - Tribocorrosion evaluation of TiO2 bioactive surfaces doped with Sr intended for orthopaedic applications
Conference - 2019 - Understanding mechanobiology – Linking the mechanical stimulation to cellular response
Conference - 2019 - Wear behavior of a ceramic composite: effect of sintering temperature
Conference - 2019 - Corrosion and tribocorrosion behavior of TiN coating film on Ti-Nb alloys for biomedical implant applications
Book Chapter - 2019 - Red Blood Cells Separation in a Curved T-Shaped Microchannel Fabricated by a Micromilling Technique
Book Chapter - 2019 - Smart and Assistive Walker – ASBGo: Rehabilitation Robotics: A Smart–Walker to Assist Ataxic Patients
Book Chapter - 2019 - Magnetic PDMS Microparticles for Biomedical and Energy Applications
Book Chapter - 2019 - Micro- and nanostructured piezoelectric polymers: Fundamentals and application
Book Chapter - 2019 - Numerical simulation of the deployment process of a new stent produced by ultrasonic-microcasting: The role of the balloon’s constitutive modeling
Book - 2019 - Micro/Nano Devices for Blood Analysis
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