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World's Top 2% Scientists 2023
Recipient(s): Henriques, Bruno; Toptan, Fatih; Bartolomeu, Flávio; Silva, Filipe Samuel; Puga, Hélder; Souza, Júlio; Flores, Paulo
Year: 2023
Pharmaceutics 2023 Best Paper Award
Work: Photodynamic Therapy Review: Principles, Photosensitizers, Applications, and Future Directions; Pharmaceutics 2021, 13(9), 1332; doi: 10.3390/pharmaceutics13091332
Recipient(s): Correia, J. H.; Rodrigues, J. A.; Pimenta, S.; Dong, T., Yang, Z.
Year: 2023
Best Oral Presentation in the 7th IEEE Portuguese Meeting on Bioengineering, ENBENG 2023
Work: A microfluidic device for size-based microplastics and microalgae separation
Recipient(s): Magalhães, Vítor
Year: 2023
Best Poster at EBSA-2023 Congress in Stockholm, Sweden
Work: "Biophysical insights of an innovative lipid-engineered Stratum Corneum model for compound permeation studies"
Recipient(s): Cardoso, V. F.
Year: 2023
EEUM Award for Merit in Scientific Publication
Recipient(s): Minas, Graça; Flores, Paulo; Santos, Cristina
Year: 2023
World's Top 2% Scientists 2022
Recipient(s): Toptan, Fatih; Bartoloneu, Flávio; Silva, Filipe; Puga, Hélder; Souza, Júlio; Flores, Paulo; Cardoso,Vanessa
Year: 2022
Award for the BfK INNOV@Rise programme- Agência Nacional de Inovação SA, Portugal
Recipient(s): Correia, V.
Year: 2022
3rd prize "Environmental Robotics Application for sustainability", CLAWAR 2022
Work: "Wearable Lower Limb Neuroprosthesis: System Architecture and Control Tuning"
Recipient(s): Simão Carvalho; Joana Figueiredo; Cristina P. Santos
Year: 2022
3rd prize in the Compostela Group of Universities VI Research Pitch Competition
Work: “Guided absorption bone substitutes”
Recipient(s): Helena Pereira
Year: 2022
1st prize best oral presentation award 2022, IMFAHE’s VIII International Conference.
Work: "A nature inspired slip-resistant winter shoe sole"
Recipient(s): Vipin Richhariya
Year: 2022
Honorable Mention Award for Scientific Research Poster at the XLI Annual Congress of SPEMD
Work: “Comportamento celular em superfícies implantares com propriedades piezoelétricas”
Recipient(s): Beatriz Fernandes; Laura Tiainen; Michael Gasik; Óscar Carvalho; Joana Marques; António Mata
Year: 2021
Best Presentation Award, at the 7th conference of the International Mentoring Programme (International Mentoring Foundation for the Advancement of Higher Education - IMFAHE)
Work: “Influence of Spherical Joint Modelling Strategies in Mechanical Systems”
Recipient(s): Mariana Rodrigues da Silva
Year: 2021
Diploma of merit for scientific publication UMinho
Recipient(s): Correia. V.
Year: 2020
UMinho Award "Iniciação na Investigação Científica 2020"
Recipient(s): Gilberto Rui Nogueira Cunha, orientador Prof. Carlos Lima
Year: 2020
Best Presentation and Scientifc Article, 19th IEEE International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions (ICARSC), Porto, 2019.
Work: “EMG-based Motion Intention Recognition for Controlling a Powered Knee Orthosis”
Recipient(s): Pedro Nuno Fernandes; Joana Figueiredo; Luis Moreira; Paulo Félix; Ana Correia; Juan C. Moreno; Cristina P. Santos
Year: 2019
1st place in"Junior Robert Frank Award 2019”, Congresso Anual da Divisão Europeia da International Association for Dental Research (IADR)
Work: “The influence of a Laser modified Zirconia implant surface on human osteoblasts in vitro behaviour”
Recipient(s): Óscar Carvalho; Sara Mardeira
Year: 2019
Award for the best four MSc Thesis in Bioengineering, 6th ENBENG IEEE Portuguese Meeting in Bioengineering
Work: "Computational Modelling of Human Lower Limb for Reproduction of Walking Dynamics with Muscles: Healthy and Pathological Cases "
Recipient(s): Mariana Silva
Year: 2019
Fraunhofer Best Portuguese MSc Thesis competition in Biomedical Engineering
Work: "Feedback-Error Learning for Powered Assistive Devices"
Recipient(s): Pedro Nuno Fernandes
Year: 2019
Peter J. Blau Award, for best poster "22ª Conferência Mundial de Desgaste e Atrito – WEAR"
Work: "Piston Ring/cilinder liner contact: the tribological assessment"
Recipient(s): Ana Rita Ferreira
Year: 2019
Best Article, "15º Congresso Mundial da Federação Internacional para a Promoção de Máquinas e Mecanismos (IFToMM 2019)"
Work: “Utilization of Non-Conformal Wheel Surfaces for Railway Dynamics
Recipient(s): Filipe Marques
Year: 2019
National Scholar Award 2019
Work: “Clinical performance of a new software to automatically detect Angioectasias in Small Bowel Capsule Endoscopy“ Autores: Dalila Costa; Pedro Vieira; Catarina Pinto; Bruno Arroja; Tiago Leal; Sofia Mendes; Carlos Lima; Raquel Gonçalves; Carla Rolanda
Recipient(s): Carlos Lima; Carla Rolanda
Year: 2019
Travel Grant for Best Submitted Clinical Science Abstracts 2019
Work: “Clinical performance of a new software to automatically detect Angioectasias in Small Bowel Capsule Endoscopy“ Autores: Dalila Costa; Pedro Vieira; Catarina Pinto; Bruno Arroja; Tiago Leal; Sofia Mendes; Carlos Lima; Raquel Gonçalves; Carla Rolanda
Recipient(s): Carlos Lima; Carla Rolanda
Year: 2019
National Award of Gastroenterology 2019, Sociedade Portuguesa de Gastrenterologia
Work: "Performance Clínica de um novo Software para Detetar Automaticamente Angiectasas na Endoscopia por Cápsula". Autores: Dalila Costa; Pedro Vieira; Catarina Pinto; Tiago Leal; Sofia Mendes; Bruno Arroja; Carlos Lima; Carla Rolanda; Raquel Gonçalves
Recipient(s): Carlos Lima; Carla Rolanda
Year: 2019
Best PhD student presentation, 8º Congresso Nacional de Biomecânica, Sociedade Portuguesa de Biomecânica
Work: M.M. Costa, R. Lima, F. Melo-Fonseca, F. Bartolomeu, A. Miranda, N.A. Silva, F.S. Silva, G. Miranda. "Ti6Al4V-Bioactive Cellular Structures: A Multi-Material Approach to Enhance Cellular Response"
Recipient(s): Mafalda Costa (Orientadora Georgina Miranda e Co-orientador Filipe S. Silva)
Year: 2019
Best Scientific Article, Elsevier
Work: F. Marques, F. Isaac, N. Dourado, P. Flores (2017). "An enhanced formulation to model spatial revolute joints with radial and axial clearances". Mechanism and Machine Theory 116: 123-144
Recipient(s): Nuno Dourado; Filipe Marques; Paulo Flores
Year: 2019
Honourable mention -Cross-border Forum of University Technologies in Salamanca a 28/09/2018
Work: EndoSmart - A new generation of smart gastrointestinal endoscopes and related healthcare biomedical devices
Recipient(s): Correia, V.
Year: 2018
NASA International Internship Program (NASA I2)
Recipient(s): Raquel Oliveira Rodrigues
Year: 2018