Blog Archives

Biofeedback devices: a contribute to Parkinson’s desease

Ultrasound-Assisted Low Temperature Brazing of Titanium/Titanium joints Using Aluminum Filler Alloys

Biomechanical performance of magnesium stents obtained by ultrasonic-microcasting. Numerical modeling and material experimental characterization

Automatic Diagnosis of urinary tract abnormalities (ADUTA)

Functional design and manufacturing of 3D Multi-Material Structures using SLS/SLM

New processing technologies for improved compression piston ring performance

Energy Harvesting para alimentação de sensores de monitorização submersos no oceano

Aplicação de ligas de brasagem produzidas por pulverização catódica para ligação de Ti6Al4V

A new generation of microfluidic platforms based on smart and multifunctional materials

Evaluation of drug loaded magnetoliposomes as multifunctional platforms for advanced cell therapies

Clinical Decision Support Systems for Patellofemoral Instability Diagnosis and Treatment

Design and fabrication of silver microelectrodes for biomedical applications

Senior-oriented robotic devices and algorithms for personalized fall prediction and prevention

Eddy Current Angular Position Sensor for Automotive’

Natural-inspired tooth replacement: design and strategies

Multi-Functional Multi-Material Structures for Orthopedic Implants using LaserAssisted Strategies

Development of a New Technique for Manufacturing Biodegradable Magnesium Stents

Microfluidic system for cell separation and deformation assessment by using passive methods

Microelectrodes for Biomedical Devices

Bio-functionalization of tribocorrosion resistant β type Ti-based hybrid surfaces

Hierarchical Classification of Lesions in Wireless Capsule Endoscopy Exams

Wireless power transmission for power-hungry biomedical devices

Navigation Grade Frequency-Modulated MEMS Accelerometer Using Internal Thermal-Piezoresistive Amplification

Design, Manufacturing & Analysis of Smart Ceramics for Biomedical Applications

Automatic Prediction of Ischemic Stroke from MRI images using Deep Learning

Modeling Complex Contact Mechanics in Railway Vehicles for Dynamic Reliability Analysis and Design’.

Laser assisted printing of micro communication systems for smart implants

Deteção automática de lesões no intestino delgado por análise de imagens obtidas por cápsula endoscópica.

Automatic detection of drusen associated with age-related macular degeneration in optical coherence tomography: a graph based approach

Terapia em dispositivos médicos invasivos com imagem

Fabrication and integration of 3D micro-structures using self-folding techniques for ultra-miniaturization of smart microsystems

An hybrid approach to humanoid locomotion: blending rhythmic primitives and feet placement strategies

μLED Optrode for Acute Optogenic Applications

Development of hybrid titanium-zirconia based materials by pressure-assisted sintering for dental implants

Automatic Segmentation and Classification of Brain Tumors based on Multisequence MRI Images with Deep Learning Methods

High Accuracy Positioning of LIDAR Optical System with the Request to Ensure System’s Accuracy over Lifetime

Development of Advanced Methodologies to Assist on Diagnosis of Human Articulations Pathologies: Patellofemoral Joint Case Study

Development of biosensor integrated into Dye sensitized solar cell for measure cancer biomarker

CFD-based tool to support CNT synthesis via CVD

Smart design of Titanium/NiTi cellular structured implants by Multi-Material-Selective-Laser-Melting

Smart Wearable Orthosis to Assist Impaired Human Waking

Sistema miniaturizado de Tomografia de Coerência Ótica – MiniOCT

Desenvolvimento de uma plataforma de aquisição de EEG wearable sem fios

Development of open-cellular porous titanium implant materials having bio-functionalized cell walls