Blog Archives

Simão Carvalho; Joana Figueiredo; Cristina P. Santos – 3rd prize “Environmental Robotics Application for sustainability”, CLAWAR 2022

Pedro Nuno Fernandes; Joana Figueiredo; Luis Moreira; Paulo Félix; Ana Correia; Juan C. Moreno; Cristina P. Santos – Best Presentation and Scientifc Article, 19th IEEE International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions (ICARSC), Porto, 2019.

Dispositivo para apoio à marcha e respetivo método de funcionamento

Cinta para avaliação de risco de quedas e respetivo método de funcionamento


AI-based Approaches to Study Motion Intention and Fall Detection Using a Cane-Type Robot

Decoding Activities of Daily Living and Incipient Falls using Brain Signals

Decoding Human Movement Intentions and Postural Reaction through Brain Signals

Clinical Decision Support Systems for Patellofemoral Instability Diagnosis and Treatment

Biofeedback devices: a contribute to Parkinson’s desease

Senior-oriented robotic devices and algorithms for personalized fall prediction and prevention

Design and development of an anti-fall cane prototype

Adaptive shared-control of a robotic walker to improve human-robot cooperation in gait biomechanical rehabilitation

Study of design issues in a prototype lower-limb prosthesis – proof-of-concept in a 3D printed model

Real-Time Patient Pose Estimation on a Smart Walker

Instrumentation of a cane to detect and prevent falls

First Advances in Near Fall Detection and Prediction when using a Walker

Assist-As-Needed EMG-based Control Strategy for Wearable Powered Assistive Devices

Feedback-Error Learning Control for Powered Assistive Devices

EarNav – A Navigation System for Otology Surgeries

Neuromechanical and Environment Aware Machine Learning Framework for Human Locomotion Intent Recognition

An hybrid approach to humanoid locomotion: blending rhythmic primitives and feet placement strategies

Biofeedback system to improve the human-machine interaction

Recognition of Gait Patterns in Human Motor Disorders Using Machine Learning

Towards a Human-in-the-Loop Control for a Smart Orthotic System

Smart Wearable Orthosis to Assist Impaired Human Waking

Exploring the Potentialities of the Leap Motion as a Human- Computer Interaction Solution in the Operating Room

Wearable muscle force sensory system- MuscleLab

Development of intuitive graphical applications for interaction with a smart wearable orthotic system

Functional Electrical Stimulation for Gait Rehabilitation

ASBGo: A Smart Walker for Ataxic Gait and Posture Assessment, Monitoring, and Rehabilitation

Robotic Technologies in Biomedical and Healthcare Engineering 2022. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems Editors: Ref: Authors: Lopes, J. M.; André, J.; Pereira, A.; Palermo, M.; Ribeiro, N.; et al. Editors:

Wearable Virtual Reality Tool for Balance Training: The Design and Validation on Healthy

Robotics in Natural Settings Editors: Ref: Authors: Rito, D., Pinheiro, C., Figueiredo, J., Santos, C.P. Editors:

Wearable Lower Limb Neuroprosthesis: System Architecture and Control Tuning

Robotics in Natural Settings Editors: Ref: Authors: Carvalho, S.P., Figueiredo, J., Santos, C.P. Editors:

A Machine Learning Approach for Near-Fall Detection Based on Inertial and Force Data While Using a Conventional Rollator

Converging Clinical and Engineering Research on Neurorehabilitation IV. Biosystems & Biorobotics Editors: Ref: Authors: Ribeiro, N.F.; Pereira, A.; Figueiredo, J.; Afonso, J.A.;Santos, C.P. Editors:

Wearable Vibrotactile Biofeedback to Improve Human-Exoskeleton Compliance During Assisted Gait Training

Converging Clinical and Engineering Research on Neurorehabilitation IV. Biosystems & Biorobotics Editors: Ref: Authors: Pinheiro, C.; Figueiredo, J.; Santos, C.P. Editors:

Smart and Assistive Walker – ASBGo: Rehabilitation Robotics: A Smart–Walker to Assist Ataxic Patients

Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology Editors: Ref: Authors: Moreira, R.; Alves, J.; Matias, A.; Santos, C. Editors:

Towards a Smart-Vest for Forward Posture Monitoring: Improving Usability with E-Textiles

Engineering a Safer Future: Electronic Design and Validation of a Cane-Type Robot for Fall Prevention

Real-time torque estimation using human and sensor data fusion for exoskeleton assistance

A DMPs-based Approach for Human-Robot Collaboration Task Quality Management

Towards a user-specific ergonomics-based approach for an activity assessment tool

Towards a more efficient human-exoskeleton assistance

Detection of defects on displays based on microscopic and optical coherence tomography examination

AI-based reference ankle joint torque trajectory generation for robotic gait assistance: First steps

Design and technical validation of a wearable biofeedback system for robotic gait rehabilitation

Markerless Gait Analysis Vision System for Real-time Gait Monitoring

An inertial data-based upper body posture recognition tool: A machine learning study approach

Assist-as-needed impedance control strategy for a wearable ankle robotic orthosis

A Machine Learning Approach for Near-Fall Detection based on Inertial and Force Data while using a Conventional Rollator

Wearable vibrotactile biofeedback to improve human exoskeleton compliance during assisted gait training

Feedback-Error Learning Control for Powered Assistive Devices

Assistive Smart Cane (ASCane) for Fall Detection: First Advances

Neuromechanical and Environment Aware Machine Learning Tool for Human Locomotion Intent Recognition

Literature review of functional electrical stimulation systems

Three-link inverted pendulum for human balance analysis: A preliminary study

Study of gait cycle using a five-link inverted pendulum model: First developments

Feedback-error learning for gait rehabilitation using a powered knee orthosis: First advances

An overview of fall-related systems developed in canes

Environment-Aware Locomotion Mode Transition Prediction System

A preliminary strategy for fall prevention in the ASBGo smart walker

A survey of fall prevention systems implemented on smart walkers

Human activity recognition systems: State of art

Kinematic and kinetic study of sit-to-stand and stand-to-sit movements towards a human-like skeletal model

Instrument-based ergonomic assessment: A perspective on the current state of art and future trends

Validation of a knee angle measurement system based on imus

Real-time tool for human gait detection from lower trunk acceleration

Torque Controlled Biped Model Through a Bio-Inspired Controller Using Adaptive Learning

Gait events detector for transtibial prosthesis

An ankle-foot prosthesis: A preliminary design and dynamic model

Product Design and Mechanical Validation of a Cane-Type Robot for Fall Prevention

Virtual reality tools for post-stroke balance rehabilitation: a review and a solution proposal

Wearable gait Analysis LAB as a biomarker of Parkinson’s disease motor stages and Quality of life: a preliminary study

Wearable Vibrotactile Biofeedback to Improve Human-Exoskeleton Compliance During Assisted Gait Training

Digital biomarkers of mobility and quality of life in Parkinson’s disease based on a wearable motion analysis LAB

Knee landmarks detection via deep learning for automatic imaging evaluation of trochlear dysplasia and patellar height

Knowledge distillation on individual vertebrae segmentation exploiting 3D U-Net

Human-Robot Joint Misalignment, Physical Interaction, and Gait Kinematic Assessment in Ankle-Foot Orthoses

Provoking Artificial Slips and Trips towards Perturbation-Based Balance Training: A Narrative Review

Fall Risk Assessment Using Wearable Sensors: A Narrative Review

Feedback-Error Learning for time-effective gait trajectory tracking in wearable exoskeletons

Eye Movement Alterations in Post-COVID-19 Condition: A Proof-of-Concept Study

Inertial Data-Based AI Approaches for ADL and Fall Recognition

A multi-camera and multimodal dataset for posture and gait analysis

From raw measurements to human pose – a dataset with low-cost and high-end inertial-magnetic sensor data

Deep Learning-Based Energy Expenditure Estimation in Assisted and Non-Assisted Gait Using Inertial, EMG, and Heart Rate Wearable Sensors

A Review on Locomotion Mode Recognition and Prediction When Using Active Orthoses and Exoskeletons

Robotic Biofeedback for Post-Stroke Gait Rehabilitation: A Scoping Review

Wearable inertial sensor system towards daily human kinematic gait analysis: Benchmarking analysis to MVN BIOMECH

Wearable biofeedback improves human-robot compliance during ankle-foot exoskeleton-assisted gait training: A pre-post controlled study in healthy participants

Daily Locomotion Recognition and Prediction: A Kinematic Data-Based Machine Learning Approach

Smart Vest for Real-Time Postural Biofeedback and Ergonomic Risk Assessment

Learned and handcrafted features for early-stage laryngeal SCC diagnosis

Development of a Strategy to Predict and Detect Falls Using Wearable Sensors

Finding Parameters around the Abdomen for a Vibrotactile System: Healthy and Patients with Parkinson’s Disease

Gait Event Detection in Controlled and Real-Life Situations: Repeated Measures from Healthy Subjects

Outcome measures and motion capture systems for assessing lower limb orthosis-based interventions after stroke: a systematic review

Fostering emotion recognition in children with autism spectrum disorder

Biomechanical Assessment of Adapting Trajectory and Human-Robot Interaction Stiffness in Impedance-Controlled Ankle Orthosis

Vibrotactile Biofeedback Devices in Parkinson’s Disease: a narrative review

Kinematics, Speed, and Anthropometry-Based Ankle Joint Torque Estimation: A Deep Learning Regression Approach