Blog Archives

Mobile Sensing System applied to Cycling

Development of an Electric Energy Consumption Management System in Smart Homes

Email Marketing Platform based on Industry 4.0 Paradigms

Development of an Autonomous Lighting System for Smart Homes

Development of a Residential Control and Monitoring System Through Technologies Associated with the Internet of Things

Identification and Communication System for Charging Management of Electric Bicycles in Movement

Development of an Internet of Things Platform applied to Air Conditioning

Development of a Low Cost Compact Weather Station for Renewable Energy Applications

Desenvolvimento de um Sistema de Monitorização Sem Fios de Moldes de Injeção em Ambiente Industrial

Desenvolvimento de um Carregador Bidirecional para Baterias de Bicicletas Elétricas

The role of off-board EV battery chargers in smart homes and smart grids: Operation with renewables and energy storage systems

Electric Vehicles in Energy Systems: Modelling, Integration, Analysis, and Optimization Editors: Ref: Authors: Monteiro, V.; Afonso, J.; Sousa, T.; Afonso, J.L. Editors:

Mining Tourists’ Movement Patterns in a City

A Hybrid MPPT Algorithm Based on DE-IC for Photovoltaic Systems Under Partial Shading Conditions

Portable and Low-Cost Fluorometer for Phytoplankton Monitoring

Maximization of Solar Power Extraction from Photovoltaic Modules Using Energy Harvesting Solutions for Smart Cities

Efficiency Comparison of Different DC-DC Converter Architectures for a Power Supply of a LiDAR System

Markerless Gait Analysis Vision System for Real-time Gait Monitoring

A Machine Learning Approach for Near-Fall Detection based on Inertial and Force Data while using a Conventional Rollator

The Electric Vehicle in Smart Homes: A Review and Future Perspectives

Development of a Compact and Low-Cost Weather Station for Renewable Energy Applications

Development of an Internet of Things System for Smart Home HVAC Monitoring and Control

A Proposed Single-Phase Five-Level PFC Rectifier for Smart Grid Applications: An Experimental Evaluation

Experimental Validation of a Bidirectional Three-Level dc-dc Converter for On-Board or Off-Board EV Battery Chargers

Selective Harmonic Measurement and Compensation Using Smart Inverters in a Microgrid with Distributed Generation

Innovative Off-Board EV Home Charging Station as a Smart Home Enabler: Present and Proposed Perspectives

Development of an IoT system with smart charging current control for electric vehicles

A novel fixed switching frequency control strategy applied to an improved five-level active rectifier

Continuous Control Set Model Predictive Control of a Bridgeless-Boost Three-Level Active Rectifier

Predicting People’s Concentration and Movements in a Smart City

Internet of Things Systems and Applications for Smart Buildings

Bidirectional Power Converters for EV Battery Chargers

Maximization of Solar Power Extraction from Photovoltaic Modules Using Energy Harvesting Solutions for Smart Cities

Smart home energy management system based on a hybrid wireless network architecture

Design of an intrinsically safe series-series compensation WPT system for automotive LiDAR

Wireless communication and management system for e-bike dynamic inductive power transfer lanes

Vehicle electrification: New challenges and opportunities for smart grids

IoT and blockchain paradigms for EV charging system

An energy management platform for public buildings

Context aware advisor for public transportation

Development and Evaluation of Smart Home IoT Systems applied to HVAC Monitoring and Control

Design and Experimental Validation of a Compact LowCost Weather Station for Solar Photovoltaic Applications

The Role of the Electric Vehicle in Smart Homes: Assessment and Future Perspectives

Smart home power management system for electric vehicle battery charger and electrical appliance control

Blockchain and Internet of Things for Electrical Energy Decentralization: A Review and System Architecture