Blog Archives

Rheology and soft tribology characterization of yoghurt with curcumin-loaded solid lipid nanoparticles

Dynamic aspects of oral processing of curcumin-loaded solid lipid nanoparticles yoghurts by rheology and soft tribology assessment

Atomistic simulations of tribological properties of self-mated single-walled carbon nanotube forests by molecular dynamics

Friction and wear of self-mated single-walled carbon nanotube forests at the nanoscale: A molecular dynamic approach

Implant surface design for improved implant stability – A study on Ti6Al4V dense and cellular structures produced by Selective Laser Melting

Ti6Al4V-PEEK multi-material structures – design, fabrication and tribological characterization focused on orthopedic implants

Ti6Al4V laser surface preparation and functionalization using hydroxyapatite for biomedical applications

Effect of HAp and β-TCP incorporation on the tribological response of Ti6Al4V biocomposites for implant parts

Electrically conductive polyetheretherketone nanocomposite filaments: From production to fused deposition modeling

Soft tribology and rheology of functional soy yogurts supplemented with prebiotics

Numerical flows studies in a hyperbolic microchannel for biomedical applications