Blog Archives

Fabrication Of Micro-Scale Laser Textured Surfaces On WC-Co Green Compacts

Chip Morphology Evaluation On Turning Of 316L Stainless Steel Using Laser Surface Textured WC-Co Cutting Tools

The effect of surface texturing on the temperature distribution on WC-Co cutting tools

Multi-material Inconel 718 – Aluminium parts targeting aerospace applications: A suitable combination of low-weight and thermal properties

Multi-Material Inconel 718 Parts with Highly Conductive Copper Cooling Channels for Aerospace Applications

WC-Co/316L stainless steel joining by laser powder bed fusion for multi-material cutting tools manufacturing

Real-Time Cutting Temperature Measurement in Turning of AISI 1045 Steel through an Embedded Thermocouple—A Comparative Study with Infrared Thermography

WC–Co/316L stainless steel bonding enhancement by laser surface texturing and pressure-assisted sintering

Understanding drop spreading behaviour on WC-10wt%Co cutting tools – an experimental and numerical study

Cutting temperature measurement and prediction in machining processes: comprehensive review and future perspectives

Influence of Micro-Textures on Cutting Insert Heat Dissipation

Production of a multi-functional 420 stainless steel-copper surface by laser texturing and hot pressing: a new solution for plastic injection moulds

Experimental analysis and predictive modelling of Ti6Al4V laser surface texturing for biomedical applications

Mechanical and tribological performance of Ni–Co-based binders for cubic boron nitride cutting tools

Effect of laser surface texturing on the wettability of WC-Co cutting tools

A novel approach to reduce in-service temperature in WC-Co cutting tools

Laser machining of WC-Co green compacts for cutting tools manufacturing

Multi-material NiTi-PEEK hybrid cellular structures by Selective Laser Melting and Hot Pressing: Tribological characterization