Blog Archives

Flores, P. – Honored at the University of Wichita, in the United States of America

Nuno Dourado; Filipe Marques; Paulo Flores – Best Scientific Article, Elsevier

Filipe S. Silva; Paulo Flores – “World’s Top 2% Scientists 2021”, according to a study by Stanford University and the Elsevier publishing group

Development of Advanced Methodologies to Assist on Diagnosis of Human Articulations Pathologies: Patellofemoral Joint Case Study

Design and development of a new medical device to support the diagnosis of the shoulder instability

Computational Modelling of Human Lower Limb for Reproduction of Walking Dynamics with Muscles: Healthy and Pathological Cases

Da Breve História da Integradora II

Publisher: Mybook

Hexapod Posture Control for Navigation Across Complex Environments

CISM International Centre for Mechanical Sciences, Courses and Lectures Editors: Ref: Authors: Coelho, J.; Dias, B.; Lopes, G.; Ribeiro, F.; Flores, P. Editors:

Dynamic Modeling and Analysis of Pool Balls Interaction

Computational Methods in Applied Sciences Editors: Ref: Authors: Corral, E.; Gismeros, R.; Marques, F., Flores, P.; Gómez García, M.J.; Castejon, C. Editors:

Modeling and Simulation of Frictional Contacts in Multi-rigid-Body Systems

Reactive Locomotion of a Hexapod for Navigation Across Irregular Ground

Modelling Spherical Joints in Multibody Systems

On the Utilization of Simplified Methodologies for the Wheel-Rail Contact

Railway Dynamics with Curved Contact Patch

Tribological behavior of 316l stainless steel reinforced with cucobe + diamond composites by laser sintering and hot pressing: A comparative statistical study

Contact detection approach between wheel and rail surfaces

Dynamic Modelling and Analysis of Human Lower Limb to Replicate Walking Gait

Passive walking biped model with dissipative contact and friction forces

Computational Modelling of Human Lower Limb for Reproduction of Walking Dynamics with Muscles: Healthy and Pathological Cases

Utilization of Non-Conformal Wheel Surfaces for Railway Dynamics

Approach for conformal contact detection for wheel-rail interaction

Workers’ Body Constitution as a Risk Factor During Manual Materials Handling

Design, modelling and control of an active weight-bearing knee exoskeleton with a series elastic actuator

On the generation of an enhanced lookup table for wheel-rail contact models

Analysis of infrared imaging during vertical handling tasks in workers with different levels of obesity

A study on constraints violation in dynamic analysis of spatial mechanisms

Wheel-rail contact models in the presence of switches and crossings

A Recursive Algorithm for the Forward Kinematic Analysis of Robotic Systems Using Euler Angles

A compendium of contact force models inspired by Hunt and Crossley’s cornerstone work

Contact mechanics for dynamical systems: a comprehensive review

A Comprehensive Review on Biomechanical Modeling Applied to Device-Assisted Locomotion

Portuguese higher education students’ adaptation to online teaching and learning in times of the COVID-19 pandemic: personal and contextual factors

Reviewer acknowledgments and awards: Recognition awards for distinction of reviewing in 2021

A bibliometric overview of Mechanism and Machine Theory journal: Publication trends from 1990 to 2020″

A comparison of spherical joint models in the dynamic analysis of rigid mechanical systems: ideal, dry, hydrodynamic and bushing approaches

A review on foot-ground contact modeling strategies for human motion analysis

On the Modeling of Biomechanical Systems for Human Movement Analysis: A Narrative Review

Patients with different patellofemoral disorders display a distinct ligament stiffness pattern under instrumented stress testing

Thermographic differences due to dynamic work tasks on individuals with different obesity levels: a preliminary study

Coupling multi-body dynamics and fluid dynamics to model lubricated spherical joints

Kinematics differences between obese and non-obese workers during vertical handling tasks

A three-dimensional approach for contact detection between realistic wheel and rail surfaces for improved railway dynamic analysis

Implementation of a non-Hertzian contact model for railway dynamic application

Reviewer acknowledgments and awards: Recognition awards for distinction of reviewing in 2019

Unilateral anterior knee pain is associated with increased patellar lateral position after stressed lateral translation

Thermo-mechanical behaviour of human nasal cartilage

Computational Modelling of the Bioheat Transfer Process in Human Skin Subjected to Direct Heating and/or Cooling Sources: A Systematic Review

Micro-CT based finite element modelling and experimental characterization of the compressive mechanical properties of 3-D zirconia scaffolds for bone tissue engineering

A new device for patellofemoral instrumented stress-testing provides good reliability and validity

Effects of workers’ Body Mass Index and task conditions on exertion psychophysics during Vertical Handling Tasks

Modelling and simulation of alternative designs for the femur–implant interface of Journey patellofemoral prosthesis

Modeling and analysis of friction including rolling effects in multibody dynamics: a review

A finite element model of a 3D dry revolute joint incorporated in a multibody dynamic analysis

High heterogeneity in in vivo instrumented-assisted patellofemoral joint stress testing: a systematic review

Acknowledgment and Appreciation to our Reviewers

The journal of Mechanism and Machine Theory: Celebrating 55 years since its foundation

On the generation of enhanced lookup tables for wheel-rail contact models

Nickel-cobalt-based materials for diamond cutting tools

Wear behaviour of tetragonal zirconia polycrystal with a porous surface

Professor Bernard (“Bernie”) Roth: A short biography

Preface to the special issue celebrating the 85th birthday of Professor Bernard Roth

The first fifty years of the Mechanism and Machine Theory: Standing back and looking forward

A particle swarm-based algorithm for optimization of multi-layered and graded dental ceramics

A comprehensive survey of the analytical, numerical and experimental methodologies for dynamics of multibody mechanical systems with clearance or imperfect joints

An investigation of a novel LuGre-based friction force model

Current Perspectives on the Biomechanical Modelling of the Human Lower Limb: A Systematic Review

Obesity effects on muscular activity during lifting and lowering tasks

Trends in the control of hexapod robots: A survey

Examination and comparison of different methods to model closed loop kinematic chains using Lagrangian formulation with cut joint, clearance joint constraint and elastic joint approaches

Reviewer acknowledgments and awards: Recognition awards for distinction of reviewing in 2020