Blog Archives

Provoking Artificial Slips and Trips towards Perturbation-Based Balance Training: A Narrative Review

Fall Risk Assessment Using Wearable Sensors: A Narrative Review

Inertial Data-Based AI Approaches for ADL and Fall Recognition

Development of a Strategy to Predict and Detect Falls Using Wearable Sensors

Two Fall-Related and Kinematic Data-Based Approaches for an Instrumented Conventional Cane

Two kinematic data-based approaches for cane event detection

ASBGo: A Smart Walker for Ataxic Gait and Posture Assessment, Monitoring, and Rehabilitation

Robotic Technologies in Biomedical and Healthcare Engineering 2022. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems Editors: Ref: Authors: Lopes, J. M.; André, J.; Pereira, A.; Palermo, M.; Ribeiro, N.; et al. Editors:

Engineering a Safer Future: Electronic Design and Validation of a Cane-Type Robot for Fall Prevention

A Machine Learning Approach for Near-Fall Detection based on Inertial and Force Data while using a Conventional Rollator

Assistive Smart Cane (ASCane) for Fall Detection: First Advances

An overview of fall-related systems developed in canes

A preliminary strategy for fall prevention in the ASBGo smart walker

A survey of fall prevention systems implemented on smart walkers

Validation of a knee angle measurement system based on imus

Product Design and Mechanical Validation of a Cane-Type Robot for Fall Prevention