Blog Archives

Dispositivo neuronal para aplicações optogenéticas e monitorização da atividade neuronal de um organismo animal e seu uso

Neuronal Device for Optogenetic Applications and Neuronal Activity Monitoring in an Animal and Its Use

Desenvolvimento de um dispositivo termoelétrico flexível para aplicação em wearables

Desenvolvimento de um Gerador Termoelétrico Flexível de Filme Fino

Test and simulation study for µ-TEGs based on screen-printed PbSe QDs

Rubidium vapor cells fabricated by additive manufacturing

Screen-printing of thermoelectric thin films from PbSe colloidal nanocrystals

MEMS-based fabrication of an atomic vapor cell for brain magnetic field measurement

MEMS rubidium vapor cell for optically pumped magnetometers

A four-probe salinity sensor optimized for long-term autonomous marine deployments

Bi2Te3 and Sb2Te3 thin films with enhanced thermoelectric properties for flexible thermal sensors

Disentangling the Role of the SnO Layer on the Pyro-Phototronic Effect in ZnO-Based Self-Powered Photodetectors

Screen-printed, flexible, and eco-friendly thermoelectric touch sensors based on ethyl cellulose and graphite flakes inks

Composites Based on PDMS and Graphite Flakes for Thermoelectric Sensing Applications

High Seebeck Coefficient from Screen-Printed Colloidal PbSe Nanocrystals Thin Film

Vapor grown carbon nanofiber based cotton fabrics with negative thermoelectric power

Perovskite ferroelectric thin film as an efficient interface to enhance the photovoltaic characteristics of Si/SnOxheterojunctions

Highly sensitive thermoelectric touch sensor based on p-type SnO x thin film

Tuning electrical and thermoelectric properties of freestanding graphene oxide papers by carbon nanotubes and heat treatment

Enhanced thermoelectric properties of Sb2Te3 and Bi2Te3 films for flexible thermal sensors

Negative thermoelectric power of melt mixed vapor grown carbon nanofiber polypropylene composites

High-Performance μ-Thermoelectric Device Based on Bi2Te3/Sb2Te3 p-n Junctions

Touch sensor and photovoltaic characteristics of CuSbS2 thin films

High-performance self-powered photodetectors achieved through the pyro-phototronic effect in Si/SnOx/ZnO heterojunctions

SnOx and a-Si thin-films based photodiode in a flexible substrate for visible spectral region

Antibiofouling strategy for optical sensors by chlorine generation using low-cost, transparent and highly efficient electrodes based on platinum nanoparticles coated oxide

All-oxide p-n junction thermoelectric generator base on SnO xand ZnO thin films