Blog Archives

Human activity recognition systems: State of art

Instrument-based ergonomic assessment: A perspective on the current state of art and future trends

Ergowear: an ambulatory, non-intrusive, and interoperable system towards a Human-aware Human-robot Collaborative framework

Temperature Calibration for Distributed Temperature Sensing of Printed Circuit Boards Using Optical Fiber Sensors

Decoupling of Temperature and Strain Effects on Optical Fiber-Based Measurements of Thermomechanical Loaded Printed Circuit Board Assemblies

Multi-material fused filament fabrication: an expedited methodology to assess the affinity between different materials

Influence of adhesive on optical fiber-based strain measurements on printed circuit boards

Preliminary validation system for cuffless blood pressure measurement

In Silico Blood Pressure Models Comparison

Carbon nanotubes based multi-directional strain sensor

Mathematical Model of the Upper Limb Manual Lymph Drainage Massag

A computational fluid dynamics-based sensitivity analysis of the chemical vapor analysis process to synthesize carbon nanotubes

Smart Vest for Real-Time Postural Biofeedback and Ergonomic Risk Assessment

A comparative study between knocked-down aligned carbon nanotubes and Buckypaper-based strain sensors

Aligned carbon nanotube based sensors for strain sensing applications

Interface geometries in 3D multi-material prints by fused filament fabrication

A study on extruded filament bonding in fused filament fabrication

Distributed optical fiber sensors for PCB-strain analysis

Wearable e-textile technologies: A review on sensors, actuators and control elements

Implantable Neural Microsystems in Medical Industry

Multi-material 3D printing: The relevance of materials affinity on the boundary interface performance

Shape memory polymers as actuators: Characterization of the relevant parameters under constrained recovery

Towards customized footwear with improved comfort

Aligned Carbon Nanotube-Based Sensors for Strain Monitoring of Composites

Projeto dos principais subsistemas de um pico-satélite para aplicações de ensino e de investigação

Desenvolvimento de sensores de estiramento flexíveis para aplicações em soft robotics

Development and characterization of a miniaturized ultrasound transceiver to measure blood pressure

Towards a Smart-Vest for Forward Posture Monitoring: Improving Usability with E-Textiles

The Role of the Metaverse in the Future of the Space Sector

Preliminary validation system for cuffless blood pressure measurement