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V. H. Carneiro; J. Meireles; H. Puga – Eng. Cruz Azevedo Award, from the Portuguese Association for Experimental Stress Analysis (APAET), to the work of greatest scientific merit published in the journal “Experimental Mechanics” in the year 2020. The prize was awarded on 09/30/2021 during the National Congress of Experimental Mechanics.

Ultrasonic Metal Powder Atomizer

Device for Ultrasonic Treatment and Transfer of Molten Metal and Method Thereof

Device for Ultrasonic Treatment and Transfer of Molten Metal and Method Thereof



Ultrasound-Assisted Low Temperature Brazing of Titanium/Titanium joints Using Aluminum Filler Alloys

Development of a New Technique for Manufacturing Biodegradable Magnesium Stents

Casting and Forming of Advanced Aluminum Alloys

Publisher: MDPI

Numerical simulation of the deployment process of a new stent produced by ultrasonic-microcasting: The role of the balloon’s constitutive modeling

Lecture Notes in Computational Vision and Biomechanics 999, pp. 65-74 Editors: Ref: Authors: Gomes, I.V.; Puga, H.; Alves, J.L. Editors:

Ball Milled Al Spheres for the Manufacturing of Casting-Based Al-CNT Composites

Application of ultrasounds in the extraction process for food waste valorisation

Effect of the ultrasonic melt treatment on the deployment outcomes of a magnesium stent manufactured by microcasting: A finite element analysis

Numerical study of blood flow in stented arteries: Comparison of stent designs and viscosity models

Experimental validation and numerical assessment of a temperature-controlled thermoelectric generator concept aimed at maximizing performance under highly variable thermal load driving cycles

Effect of Ultrasonic Melt Treatment on Solidification Behavior of Al7SiMg Alloy

Thermal analysis strategy for Al-7Si-Mg alloy sand-casting modelling

Ultrasonic Assisted Machining Overview: Accessing Feasibility and Overcoming Challenges for Milling Applications

Ultrasound Prototype for Improving Germination and Seedling Growth in Tomato and Maize Seeds

Shielding AZ91D-1%Ca from corrosion through ultrasound melt treatment: A study for stent design

Ultrasound-assisted casting of AZ91D-1.5%Ca – Shifting T4 paradigm for downstream processing

Impact of the Ultrasonic-Assisted Casting of an AlSi7Mg Alloy on T6 Heat Treatment

On the Aging Kinetics of a Flame-Resistant AZ91D-1.5%Ca Magnesium Alloy Processed with Ultrasonic Vibration

Prediction of Solder Joint Reliability with Applied Acrylic Conformal Coating

Magnesium stents manufacturing: Experimental application of a novel hybrid thin-walled investment casting approach

Effect of Ultrasonic Melt Treatment on Solidification Behavior of Al7SiMg

Valorizing Coffee Silverskin Based on Its Phytochemicals and Antidiabetic Potential: From Lab to a Pilot Scale

The Influence of Precipitation Hardening on the Damping Capacity in Al–Si–Mg Cast Components at Different Strain Amplitudes

Thermal Contact Resistance between Mold Steel and Additively Manufactured Insert for Designing Conformal Channels: An Experimental Study

In vitro biomodels in stenotic arteries to perform blood analogues flow visualizations and measurements: A review

Influence of the Adopted Balloon Modeling Strategies in the Stent Deployment Procedure: An In-Silico Analysis

Effect of hybrid ultrasonic and mechanical stirring on the distribution of m-SiCp in A356 alloy

Fluid–Structure Interaction study of carotid blood flow: Comparison between viscosity models

Effect of Yttria Mould Coating on the Investment Casting of AZ91D-1 wt% CaO Magnesium Alloy

Casting and forming of advanced aluminum alloys

3D manufacturing of intracranial aneurysm biomodels for flow visualizations: Low cost fabrication processes

Blood flow simulations in patient-specific geometries of the carotid artery: A systematic review

Additive manufacturing assisted investment casting: A low-cost method to fabricate periodic metallic cellular lattices

T6 Heat Treatment Impact on the Random Frequency Vibration Stress of Al–Si–Mg Alloys

The role of acoustic pressure during solidification of AlSi7Mg alloy in sand mold casting

Ultrasonic Melt Treatment of Light Alloys

Ultrasonic vibration as a primary mixing tool in accelerating aluminum-copper alloys preparation from their pure elements

Influence of arterial mechanical properties on carotid blood flow: Comparison of CFD and FSI studies

Ultrasonic grain refinement of die cast copper alloys

Inverse engineering approach to determine the elastic properties of lightweight expanded clay

Positive, zero and negative Poisson’s ratio non-stochastic metallic cellular solids: Dependence between static and dynamic mechanical properties

Solution Treatment Enhances Both Static and Damping Properties of Al–Si–Mg alloys

Effect of internal structure in the compression behavior of casted al/leca composite foams

Low-Temperature Brazing of Titanium Using Al-Based Filler Alloys

Design and fabrication of thin-walled reservoir based on microcasting assisted by vacuum for neutral argon plasma system in minimally invasive medical devices

Shape and functional optimization of biodegradable magnesium stents for manufacturing by ultrasonic-microcasting technique

Axisymmetric auxetics

Heat treatment as a route to tailor the yield-damping properties in A356 alloys

Influence of particle diameter in mechanical performance of Al expanded clay syntactic foams

Ceramic Sonotrodes for Light Alloy Melt Treatment

Macro-, meso- and microstructural characterization of metallic lattice structures manufactured by additive manufacturing assisted investment casting

Analysis of finite element and finite volume methods for fluid-structure interaction simulation of blood flow in a real stenosed artery

Influence of melt treatment of AZ91D alloy on phase morphology and corrosion behaviour in Hank’s solution

Design, simulation, and fabrication of an ingestible capsule with gastric balloon for obesity treatment

Vibration damping and acoustic behavior of pu-filled non-stochastic aluminum cellular solids

Ultrasonic treatment as the route for grain refinement of mg-al alloys: A systematic review

Manufacturing Methodology on Casting-Based Aluminium Matrix Composites: Systematic Review

Light-Alloy Melt Ultrasonication: Shorter T6 with Higher Precipitation Strengthening

Enhanced mechanical properties in cellular solids using axisymmetric configurations

Numerical inverse engineering as a route to determine the dynamic mechanical properties of metallic cellular solids

Optimizing high-volume ultrasonic melt degassing using synchronized kinematic translation