José Artur Oliveira Rodrigues
Júnior Researcher
Ciência ID: 841D-B550-D7A1
Scopus ID: 55963117300
OrcID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2527-5006
Research Group: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2527-5006
Research Line:
Research Interest:
Current Projects:
Finished Projects:
Recent publications:

Comparative study of computed tomography techniques used in the visualization and evaluation of the oral cavity
Determination of the viscoelastic properties of biomaterials by Brillouin spectroscopy
Additive manufacturing in the fabrication of rubidium vapor cells for magnetoencephalography
Cápsula insuflável para o tratamento da obesidade

Manuel José Ferreira Esteves
Comparative study of computed tomography techniques used in the visualization and evaluation of the oral cavity
Biomedical Engineering
Finish 22/12/2023
Supervisors: Rodrigues, J. A.

António da Cruz Castelo Carneiro da Rocha
Determination of the viscoelastic properties of biomaterials by Brillouin spectroscopy
Biomedical Engineering
Finish 26/10/2023
Supervisors: Rodrigues, J. A.

João Miguel Rodrigues Fontoura Borlido
Additive manufacturing in the fabrication of rubidium vapor cells for magnetoencephalography
Biomedical Engineering
Finish 02/02/2023
Supervisors: Rodrigues, J. A.

Ruben Brandão Freitas
Cápsula insuflável para o tratamento da obesidade
Biomedical Engineering
Finish 12th march
Supervisors: Rodrigues, J. A.